Sunday, November 9, 2008

Abigail & Adam: 13 days old!

I had the absolute pleasure of taking some photos of the twins! Their tiny, precious faces and their perfect, little bodies. They hardly made a peep! They were so easy going. I brought over my warm and cozy robe to lay them on and Adam piddled all over it! Me and Jess were cracking up! That's what you get with naked, newborn models ;)

If you or anyone you know would like some baby photos please let me know! I love BABIES!!




Big Sister...

All the Johnston babies!


  1. Molly, do not, I repeat do NOT touch the babies, the are contagious and you will want some of your own and I am ah....not ready to be married to a GRANDMOTHER Love Dad,

    PS loved the pictures....

  2. oh yeah I am the OTHER dad :>)

  3. That one of Abigail on her tummy lookin to the side ...with the tiny baby smirk. Love it!

  4. i could just smother them with kisses. so precious. i love that you captured them on top of each other and the one smiling. i die.

  5. I LOVE THEM! so sooo adorable! And I think one of those little ones has a little air guitar action going down, right? ;) ....but really, these are amazing, so sweet!



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Orange County, California, United States
We are Matt and Molly we take photos for a living and love it! Leave us a comment and say hi we like to make new friends! For contact email us at


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