Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Malms and The Arnolds!

So you may recognize these gorgeous people from previous blog posts. We had the honor of shooting Sam & Tyler's wedding last summer and we recently shot John's senior photos. Now Amanda, Emily and Chris are another story... they are part of our fan club. Our Band-Aids if you will. :) We see them at so many of our weddings and it makes us smile to see familiar faces! Sam contacted me about some family Christmas photos and we were soooo stoked to see them all! So here's the break-down (in case the huge dimples don't inform you as to who's related). Sam and Tyler are married (love relatives!) John is Sam's Brother and the girls are Tyler's sisters. Oh, and Gunner is Sam and Tyler's amazing doggie.

Thanks so much for hangin' with us. We love seeing all of you and it's been so neat to see you over the last year or so. We hope to see you all much more often in the future!

p.s. Tyler serves our country in the military. I'm a chick and know nothing of the armed forces but I believe he works heavy artillery on helicopters. (please inform me if this is way off). I tried to express to Tyler today how much he means to us. I'm terrible with words when my emotions fog my head. Tyler, please know that we pray for you and we hope your time at home, in the states, is a time of rejuvenation and joy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Blog peeps feel free to leave supportive comments for Tyler below!)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Friends are super HOT!

Our friends Tim and Nandar came out today for their super rad Christmas family session! They brought their boys Aidan and Colin and the baby girl in Nandar's belly!!! We can't wait to meet her in April. Thus far their children have proven to be the cutest little things I have ever seen and I can't wait to see this little lady! Colin was sick, my poor little nugget, he was not thrilled to be doing anything today! Anyhoo we had a blast roaming through the park and trying to keep Aidan's attention on the camera and not on the stream with the TADPOLES!! I mean, I get it, the tadpoles are way more exciting for a 5 year old but we did our best. ;)

Colin was sick, my poor little nugget, he was not thrilled to be doing anything today! Feel better little man!

Thanks for coming all the way out guys! We totally appreciate your love for us and support for our business. We had so much fun today, we can't wait to do it again! Love you all!

Hey, we got one good smile out of Colin! I'm stoked!

Everyone's favorite little monkey! (we love you too Vincent, we just haven't taken your headshots yet :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


These photos describe our trip so far better than words...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Hi everyone! I know it's not yet December and I am the last person on the planet who wants to rush Christmas...BUT it's that time again, time for Holiday cards!! If you or a family that you know would like a mini-family session for Christmas card images please contact me ASAP! We will be holding these mini-sessions at Craig Park in Brea on November 29th, 30th and December 6th. The sessions will be in half hour increments set-up between the hours of 1 and 4pm. The cost for the session is $150 and includes a half-hour of photography, online proofing gallery and 1 retouched high resolution image which will be emailed to you to use for Holiday cards.

This is your chance people!! The opportunity of a lifetime to have Matt & Molly take your picture!! (i know it's kind of exaggerated but seriously, we're super fun and we want to make your family look super hot and amazing!)

Merry thanks-ristmas!!!

Shoot me an email or call Molly 714.618.4054

**if you would like a full family session at the location of your choice those are available as well, please inquire to the contact info above.

And duh, every post needs a photo... Last year we were in Portland shooting our amazing friends Brad and Kara for their wedding day and tomorrow we leave for Portland to see our friends Michelle and Troy and the baby in the belly!! So here's an image of us from last year at the Backstage Bar! Cheers for Portland!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Sykes Family!

The Sykes family is awesome!! I communicated with Criss through various emails as she asked a million hilarious questions and explained how much she loved her family. She asked about what to wear and sent me photos so I could see their coloring and make suggestions. She spoke of how she ADORED her husband and how they have not had family photos taken in quite a while because she hadn't found someone who could capture them and the love that they share. I hope we did a descent job... because when I look through these images all I see is the love. We spent the afternoon near the Fullerton train station and found that there were special ties even there because Criss' dad worked for Southern Pacific. Criss found us through our amazing clients Scott & Tana who are Aunt and Uncle to our other amazing clients Ben & Dawnel.

*Here's the kicker!! From the very first email I received I thought... I know this gal! After she explained her sons Chad and Kevin and her fabulous husband Bobby it all clicked. I had the most wonderful teachers while I was growing up. So wonderful in fact that I spent 15 years of my life working towards being a teacher myself. (the detour to photography is another story for different day) My second grade teacher was young, hip and gorgeous. I wanted to be her. She was kind and poured over her students and we were thrilled to find out she would soon stop being Miss Thruston to be MRS. SYKES! It took all the restraint I had over these last few months to not ruin the surprise. I wanted to hug her through our emails and say, "remember me!!!" So, when Matt and I showed up at the train station Criss took one look at me and said,"you look soooo familiar, I know you" And then being the giant dork that I am removed the photos I stole from my childhood album at my mom's house and showed Mrs. Sykes THIS!

(i was a gawky 4th grader, don't judge me interwebs)

Check us out now!

She is still a total BABE!!
Criss, Bobby, Kevin and Chad thank you so much for allowing us to capture your family at this specific moment in time. There is a warmth to your family that I cannot explain in words but I felt it. The way that the two of you look at each other and love each other is setting such a beautiful example for your boys who are rapidly turning into men. Thank you for the hugs. It was so exciting to see all of you. There are some shoots that will be etched into my mind forever, this is one of them.

The world is so small sometimes, and God is good.


About Me

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Orange County, California, United States
We are Matt and Molly we take photos for a living and love it! Leave us a comment and say hi we like to make new friends! For contact email us at


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